Welcome to Wanderoff

Here you'll find the best info on hammocks, ultralight quality gear and more!

Pleasure to have you here!

Traveling light is a luxury on its own!

About Me;

Hey there! From a very young age, I was fascinated by computers and all things technology. I’ve always been interested in everything from Linux to Microsoft to Apple, and it’s been a bit overwhelming but also really exciting! But I also realized that we need balance in our lives, so I started spending my afternoons in the woods near my house. I was lucky enough to have a beautiful creek and waterfall nearby, and I loved spending time there and escaping from the digital world. I also started getting into sports like running and breakdancing, and more recently I’ve been really into kiteboarding (which is apparently Richard Branson’s favorite sport). It’s seriously the most fun you can have (besides human-powered flight, which still needs to be developed – check out the albatross for more info on that).

I’m creating this website because I’ve had a strong vision for it for the past 5-6 years, and it’s finally coming to fruition. I believe in using super strong, ultralight materials to create top-quality products, and I think that with the right focus, we can create space-age technology using materials like high entropy alloys, dyneema, and ultralight metals.

I’m really excited to introduce you to one of my favorite creations: the world’s lightest hammock suspension straps! They’re made using Samson rope, which is so light it can float in water, and they’re 10 times stronger than steel (which is also why they’re used in kiteboarding). I’m committed to creating the best and most efficient minimalist, multi-function equipment to help people live in luxury anywhere, even in space!